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As travel continues to be restricted, I've been collecting books on travel and adventure on my Pinterest page that may provide some solace to homebound travelers. They're linked to Amazon for convenience, but don't forget your local bookstores and libraries will have many of them (if you're lucky, your community supports a travel bookstore, such as NYC's Idlewild Books -- you might find a source near you in's list of bookstores specializing in travel).
If you happen to be passing through Concord, New Hampshire, you can drop off books you're finished with and pick up something new to read at the local Starbucks.
A good idea you usually see only in independent coffee houses. Hope it's picked up by every Starbucks (and Peet's and Coffee Bean) in the universe. Starbucks, 242 Louden Road, Concord, NH; 603-223-2395.
Another book exchange: The Library Alehouse beer pub on Main Street in Santa Monica. Plus great burgers.